Get the alien invasion classic The War of the Worlds delivered to your inbox, one chapter a day.

Welcome to Daily War of the Worlds, which is just what it sounds like: a project created to deliver H.G. Wells’ classic alien invasion story The War of the Worlds to your inbox every morning — one chapter a day!

Most emails will take 5-7 minutes to read.

Believe it or not, it will take less than a month to read the entire novel this way.

27 chapters. 27 days.

Prepare yourself. The War of the Worlds is still a frightening and entertaining classic.

Sign up (it’s free) right here:


Q. When does it start?

A. The first entry is on May 15.

Q. When does it end?

A. The last entry is on June 10.

Q. You’re going to email the whole book?

A. Yes, one chapter at a time!

Q. Are there illustrations?

A. There sure are! Almost every chapter is accompanied by them.

Q. And this is all free?

A. It’s all free.

Q. What if I join after May 15?

A. That’s OK! You’ll still get the daily chapters, and you can check out the archive to catch up.

Q. Why wouldn’t I just read the book already?

A. You can! It’s a page turner. Grab it from your library or a local bookstore. But the email offers a quick-and-easy way to read it, in small bites.

Q. What happens if I fall behind?

A. That’s fine - you’ll have the story delivered to you in order. Plus you can read the past emails here on the site.

Q. Who are you?

A. Daily War of the Worlds is run by me, Joshua James. I’m a science fiction author with more than 50 books under my belt.

Q. Why are you doing this?

A. I’m publishing this as a companion project to my own alien invasion novel called … wait for it … INVASION.

Q. Oh, so you want me to buy your book?

A. I wouldn’t stop you! But no, this is a 100% free project.

Q. I have another question.

A. Sure - email

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One chapter a day from the granddaddy of all alien invasion stories